Nonprofit Spotlight Award:
In recognition of an organization that has gone above and beyond to support our community through these trying times.

2021 Local First Nomination Testimonials
"Despite the challenges COVID presented, The Family Center did not close or shut-down serving the community once during (and continuing!) the pandemic. In addition to continuing programming to support families, parents and children. They also begin distributing AND delivery food boxes with FRESH, healthy locally grown produce and prepared meals, in collaboration with Manna and Companeros. Meanwhile, The Center received a national Blue Ribbon Award for its "Parents as Teachers'' program for delivering the highest quality services to children and families in La Plata and Archuleta Counties, which supports building strong communities and thriving. At Thanksgiving, The Family Center distributed more than 200 Thanksgiving meal boxes, complete with a whole TURKEY when many couldn't buy them!. Then, when "Project Merry Christmas" was cancelled/discontinued, The Family Center picked up the task and collaborated with local media for the "Holly Jolly Toy Drive''. The result was that no local family went without at Christmas. Families received toys/presents, as well as another Holiday Dinner Box kit. In point, The Community Foundations Board awarded the LPFCC a "Community Values" award earlier this year/late 2020 for The Center's stellar values and commitment to serving our community."

Community Memeber
"The folks at LPFCC have worked hard to identify any resources they can that could support their clients. I’ve seen this organization work closely with their partners to help create an amazing covid-response for the southwest community. Mariel goes above and beyond. Thanks, LPFCC!"

Buisness Owner