La Plata Family Center Coalition Newsletter
JUNE. 2023

Announcements and Upcoming Events
Congratulations to all of the high school & college graduates.
6/5: Final Free Art Class 4p- 5pWeekly Kids Art Classes
@ La Plata Family Centers Coalition
Garden workdays | Check our website for more information on times and addresses to volunteer!
6/10: Pond Farm Workday 9a-1p
6/9: We will be partnering with DMV2GO to offer driver license services at the Durango Library from 8am – 5pm. Spanish interpretation will be available. 6/15: Giving Market at La Plata Family Center Parking Lot 12p- 4p
6/19: Center closed to observe Juneteenth
6/22: Community Diaper Shower at La Plata Family Center Parking Lot 3p-6p
6/23: All Together Now/Together We Grow Planting Activity at Durango Library 2p-3p
6/29: Giving Market at La Plata Family Center Parking Lot 12p- 4p

Recent Events
La Escuelita & Companeros
On Saturday, May 13th, we hosted the La Escuelita group through Campaneros & La Plata Open Space Conservancy to learn more about our Together We Grow Community Project. They enjoyed a tour of the Pond Farm, some fun garden activities and a lunch from Zia’s.

Free Art Classes
Throughout April & May, we hosted an art class facilitated by a local high schooler, Roan. We had lots of fun learning different styles of art and how to use different mediums to create beautiful pieces. Our final class will be held on June 5th from 4p-5p.

Daybreak Rotary Club
On May 23, The Daybreak Rotary Club donated a rotating veggie washer and a washing station for use at the Pond Farm for our Together We Grow Community Project! A HUGE thank you to them and to Dan
In early May, the Ohana Kuliana Gardeners donated several benches to the Together We Grow gardens!

Program Highlight Family Support Services & Development Planning
This program offers services in order to help families become self- sufficient in the following ways: helping with navigation of resources, assistance with kids clothing and baby diapers.
It aims to create family stability and reduce food insecurity by providing food to the community through the centers food pantry and to the parent teacher leaders to distribute among several families.

Staff Highlight – Heleny Zacamolpa Vazquez
Title: LPFCC Intern
Helenv is a senior at Fort ewis College about to finish her two Bachelors degrees with a Exercise Physiology and Public Health majors and a pre-health certificate. She started her internship at LPFCC in May after hearing about it from her college TRIO advisor Emma about the Together We Grow/Juntos Crecemos program.
As a Public Health major, this program caught her attention as it aims to address principal health concerns and Social Determinants of Health through community based activities