Parent Education

The Parent Education Department offers the Parents as Teachers (PAT) home-visiting program,  free health and development screenings, group connections including parenting classes and workshops.

The La Plata Family Center has earned the Parents as Teachers Blue Ribbon Affiliate status for delivering high-quality services to children and families.

Parenting Education

Parents as Teachers

Parents as Teachers is a free, evidence-based, comprehensive home-visiting program providing services to families with children from prenatal through kindergarten. Parents as Teachers builds strong communities, thriving families, and children who are healthy, safe, and ready to learn.

Group Connections

Group Connections offer opportunities for parents and children to come together to participate in a variety of hands-on learning activities and connect with other families. Parent Workshops provide parents with information on a variety of topics from potty training to improving parent-child relationships.

Classes & Workshops

Parenting Classes aim to improve relationships between parents and their children by teaching parents how to deal with the daily responsibilities of maintaining a home and family, in positive ways. Previously we have offered Love and Logic Parenting and Nurturing Parenting classes.

Parents as Teachers builds strong communities, thriving families and children who are healthy, safe and ready to learn by matching parents and caregivers with trained professionals who make regular personal home visits during a child’s earliest years in life, from prenatal through kindergarten.